Legal Mentions

Presentation of the website

The website belongs to M2Msoft, SARL, registered at the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés of Toulouse, sunder the number B 448716001, whom headquarter is based in;
   14 rue de l'Europe, Parc d'activités du Terlon
   31850 MONTRABE

The director of the publication is Mr Bruno BOSQUED, sales director of M2Msoft.

The website is hosted at:
   Quai du Sartel
   59100 ROUBAIX

The users can contact the webmaster at:
The user of the m2msoft.comwebsite agrees about having the basic standards requested such as:
-    Screen: Resolution of 800 x 600 or more
-    Web browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer (v 5 and +), Mozilla Firefox (v 3.0 and +), Google Chrome, Safari and Opera.
The user of the website agrees about having verified that any of his material is containing virus. He also recognizes knowing these mentions.

The user agrees knowing that the website can be visited 24h a day and every day of a week, except in case of major cases, computing or networking problems, etc.

For maintenance, the website might be closed temporarly but the webmaster will inform earlier about it.

M2Msoft will never be in charge of direct of undirect damages caused by the inaccessibility of the website, virus, destructions or others.

The user accepts the taking in charge of the access and browsing costs of the website.

If the user access to the website from another country, he declares accept and follow the local law.

Information in the website

The information provided on the website have an informative aspect and M2Msoft would never ensure the validity of them.

M2Msoft is doing its best to offer the best for its users in terms of information and tools but could not be responsilbe in case of a lack of information. The user accepts being the only responsible when he uses the information found on

Use of your personal datas and newsletter sending

By using the website you implicitly accept the fact that the website will use your personal data. Those adatas will be used to send you newsletters. By sending us your email address you give us the possibility to send you our newsletter published every 3 months.
The user has the right to stop this by writing to:
   14 rue de l'Europe, Parc d'activités du Terlon
   31850 MONTRABE

Law respectation

M2Msoft informs the users that all the laws have to be respected on the internet aswell.
All the documents, the informations on the website are the property of M2msoft and can be used after a written demand.

Protection of personal data, confidentiality

Any personal data will be transfered by M2Msoft.
You are free to write us any time to ask us to stop using your personal data at:
- via email:
- postal address:
   14 rue de l'Europe, Parc d'activités du Terlon
   31850 MONTRABE


The users cannot create hyperlinks to our website without asking us our permission.


M2Msoft can change the content of this page at anytime.

Relevant right in case of conflict

The relevant right is the French right.

Allocation of jurisdiction

The Court of Appeal in TOULOUSE (France).