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April 2013

M2Msoft is launching its own conferencing service with

CLIC2CONF is a telephone conferencing service until 10 concurrent calls, available at any time, without any commitment or subscription. Ideal for a meeting or just to chat between friends, the service only requires a fixed or a mobile phone.

To start a conference, it is really easy:

Gto to clic2conf, write down your email address in order to generate your unique code, forward it to the other participants and all together you can start the conference calling at the 0826 120 000 (0,15 € TTC/min from France).

Many services can be accessed from the user space, such as:

  • Creation of a customized conferencing code
  • Automatic sending of the code to the other participants
  • Creation of directories
  • Management of sending lists
  • Edition of a memo
  • Access to the detailed historic of calls